Sunday Mornings - Currently in the book of PSALMS
We try to keep things simple but focused. Acts 2:42 helps to bring things into focus.
*Teaching *Fellowship *Communion *Prayer
These were the four things that the early church focused on. If you look through the bulletin it becomes obvious that these are the things that we try to focus on as well. Sunday mornings incorporate worship, and the teaching of Gods word, verse by verse, chapter by chapter. Please feel free to check out our Media page to see the areas of the bible that we have already Journeyed through, keeping the main thing the main thing - JESUS!
Thru the Bible Thursdays - 7:00 to 8:30 All are welcome! Maybe you are curious about Jesus and His teachings, Maybe you are wondering how the Old testament and New Testament fit together...Maybe you want to grow and learn in a relaxed and encouraging atmosphere . Please come and join us as we Journey through the WHOLE Bible, verse by verse chapter by chapter. We meet at the Extreme Outreach Coffee House, 102 – 284 Helmcken Rd. Victoria, BC on Thursday evenings - Currently in the book of Judges.
Calvary Kids is offered for children who are in Kindergarten through Grade 5. We desire to have your children discover who Jesus is and the wonderful gift of salvation that He offers to all. Jesus instructs us to let the little children come to Him, In kids church, we attempt to do this by placing a priority on going through the bible, in a format that is age appropriate. The kids learn biblical truths through games, crafts, and going through the bible in a fun and safe environment. As well we encourage them to hide Gods word in their hearts through monthly memory verses.
Guys, Grub, and Gods Word! Once a month, early Saturday morning, the men gather for breakfast and study Mark your calendars, the last Saturday morning of the month, be sure to join us as we journey through The Jesus Style.
Ladies, Breakfast Bible Study. The women of Calvary get together once a month to be encouraged and built up through fellowship and the study of Gods word. We meet the second Saturday of the month . Please come join us! We are currently reading "Pleasing God" by Kay Smith and doing the accompanying study. Contact us for Location.
The Race Youth- We are all encouraged to..."Run the race with endurance." God has a purpose for you, and a race for you to run. Youth from Grade 6 through to Grade 12 are no exception to this biblical truth. The youth gather for Sunday morning Bible study every other week during the main service time, and on the 1st and 3rd Friday evening for fun, friends and fellowship.
Home Groups - are run at different times through the year. There is no set formula for these. We have used Chip Ingram, Answers and Genesis, and Navigators material to help grow in Christ. We also offer more focused groups like Bible Study Essentials and Testimony Workshops and Inductive Bible Study.